Zeiss LSM 880 NLO

Our microscopy facility features a cutting-edge two-photon confocal laser scanning microscope with Airyscan from Zeiss, ideal for in vivo studies. Our goal is to advance the research of the Boston community by offering competitive pricing and expertise.

Prerequisite: Bioraft Laser Safety Training Part I and II

Application Forms

Zeiss LSM 880

Instrument Snapshot

With many laser line options, the Zeiss LSM 880 NLO offers up to 7 excitation wavelengths. Samples are protected from photo toxicity and photo bleaching with low laser power observed by the highly sensitive GaAsP spectral detector.

Paired with the Airyscan module, fast events are captured with higher quality, 4x times faster than standard imaging. The system includes additional software modules for controlled region-of-interest scanning, deconvolution, physiology experiments, performing FRAP and control for the motorized stage to allow stitching together images from multiple fields of view into one larger image (montage), as well as visiting multiple sites during a time lapse acquisition. 

Reach out to our core facility in Boston with any questions at cils-core@northeastern.edu.



Laser line: 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 594, 640 nm


NIR Laser: tunable line (680-1300 nm); fixed line -1045 nm


Objective: 10×20×20×, 40×20×-CLARITY


Multi-photon imaging


Spectral Unmixing


Internal NU


External Academia




Additional Resources

Carl Zeiss Microscopy Online Campus

Education in Microscopy and Digital Imaging

Other Instruments

Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX S Flow Cytometer

NU user: $40/hr; Academia: $70/hr; Industry: $130/hr

4 laser lines: 405, 488, 561, 638

13 color detection

Can load tube or various well plates for analysis

Violet side scatter for small particle detection

Able to interface experiment design into SRT sorter

Preclinical Imaging Ultrasounds

Visualsonics Vevo F2 Ultrasounds

NU user: $60/h; Academia: $110/h; Industry: $140/h

UHF57x, UHF29x, P10 transducer probes

Prerequisite: Bioraft Biosafety Training

Bruker BioSpec 3T MRI

NU user: $30/hr; Academia: $150/hr; Industry: $200/hr

Automated animal positioning

Multimodal rat/mouse cradle

Two body volume coils for rat/mouse

SAII 1030 monitoring/gating module

Localized MR Spectroscopy

Prerequisite: Bioraft High Magnetic Fields Safety Training

Our facility

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex

ISEC 080, 805 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA, 02115