Instrument Snapshot
The Zeiss LSM 800 is a compact confocal laser scanning microscope for high-end confocal imaging. This model has increased image quality, higher image output, and allows for easy imaging of live cells.
This confocal microscope has been used for a wide range of scientific applications from live cell culture imaging to model organisms, such as C. elegans and zebra fish.
Low laser powers avoid photobleaching and phototoxicity in live cell imaging applications.
Reach out to our core facility in Boston with any questions at cils-core@northeastern.edu.
Sample Images
Brain Microvascular Network
Instrument: Zeiss LSM 800
Brain endothelial cells: dTomato (red). Pericytes: NG-2 (purple). Astrocytes: GFAP (green)
Credit: Max Winkelman/Dai Lab
SARS-CoV-2 RBD & N Proteins
Instrument: Zeiss LSM 8oo confocal
In polymer walls of oxygen-generating COVID-19 cryogel-based vaccine
Credit: Colombani Thibault/Bencherif Lab
Cultured Microvascular Networks
Instrument: Zeiss LSM 8oo confocal
Formed under static and flow conditions within a 3D fibrin matrix
Credit: Max Winkelman/Dai Lab
Internal NU
External Academia
Carl Zeiss Microscopy Online Campus
Education in Microscopy and Digital Imaging
ZEISS LSM 800 Manual
Applications, system, technology and details
ZEISS LSM 800 for Materials
Your Versatile Confocal Microscope for Research and Failure Analysis
Other Instruments
Visualsonics Vevo F2 Ultrasounds
NU user: $60/h; Academia: $110/h; Industry: $140/h
UHF57x, UHF29x, P10 transducer probes
Prerequisite: Bioraft Biosafety Training
Zeiss Axiozoom V16 (Upright)
NU user: $25/hr; Academia: $35/hr; Industry: $50/hr
Continuous zoom with high NA
Large field of view
Apotome.2 Structured Illumination Module
In vivo and model organism imaging
Zeiss Axio Observer (Demo, Inverted)
NU user: free; Academia: $30/h; Industry: $50/h
Epifluorescence: DAPI, GFP, DsRed, Cy 5
Objective: 10×, 20×, 40×, 63×, 100×
Immunofluorescence labeled tissue or cell culture imaging
Our facility
Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex
ISEC 080, 805 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA, 02115